Q Within the next 8 weeks, observe 2 different-aged children between the ages of 4 months and 3 years (36 months) in a natural setting at an approved site. YOU MUST GET PRIOR APPROVAL FOR THE CHILD STUDY PROJECT. One child must be from a minority cultural/linguistic background or have a disability. Keeping an anecdotal record, observe the child’s physical development, social/emotional development, and cognitive/language development. Document each of the observed behavior characteristics and milestones on the checklist. Observe each child over a minimum of 2 different dates and times over a period of 2 months. Document quantitatively and qualitatively what developmental characteristics you observed. Be an objective observer. DO NOT INTERPRET BEHAVIORS; AVOID OPINIONS. After completing all observations, write a narrative report on each child observed. Include their growth in all domains (physical development, social/emotional development, and cognitive/language development) based on your observation checklists. Make sure you identify any developmental changes that took place from each time you observed. Your narrative should include a separate heading for each domain. All documentation materials including the checklist must be submitted with the narrative report. This assignment must be typed following APA format. Final Report: Write a summary of what you have learned about child development from this experience.
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